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Professional Coaching







Online Coaching


*Know yourself

-Understand your motivations and inspirations

-Overcome your fears and obstacles

-Know your qualities and resources


*Manage yourself

-Manage your emotions

-Manage stress

-React to difficulties and failure


*Develop yourself

-Grow your self-confidence

-Strengthen your authenticity, reconnect with your values

-Learn to assert yourself



-Get out of your comfort zone

-Take action

-Learn to dare


*Position yourself, find yourself

-Find your way

-Be comfortable with your new responsibilities

-Find your position at work


*Manage time

-Improve time management

-Find a balance between personal and professional life

-Work on your representation of time


*Take care of yourself

-Practice disconnection

-Integrate elements of relaxation in your daily life

-Work on your well-being


*Leadership / Working with others

-Becoming a compassionate leader

-Develop active listening skills

-Improve your relationships



-Prepare for an exam, an interview

-Learn to develop a project

-Work on your ability to anticipate

And even more…

  What is coaching ?

To put it simply: Coaching is accompanying you in your development in order for you to be in capacity to achieve (at best) your goals or carry out your projects.


What coaching is not:




   Why undertake coaching?


*To implement a change

*To achieve your goals

*To develop your strengths and improve your weaknesses

*To unblock situations and overcome difficulties

*To know yourself better

*Because coaching always help you progress

*To be at ease personally, professionally and in your relationships.


What does a coaching look like?

Coaching takes place over several sessions:

      *The first session aims at presenting the situation, defining together the goal that the coachee wishes to reach, evoking the framework of the coaching, the number of sessions and their modalities.

      *Then, there are several working sessions, between 8 and 10 sessions of 1 hour each, every month, or every 15 days.

      *The final session aims at taking stock of the coaching sessions, checking where we stand in terms of achieving the goal, preparing for the future and opening up new perspectives.


For more information on coaching and prices: please contact me.


My posture and ethics as a coach

=> 3 key elements for the coach: listening, being open-minded, caring

I listen without judging, I welcome what you say, I am open to everything you bring.

=> 3 key elements for the coachee: Protection, Permission, Power (3P)

I offer a Protective framework (confidentiality, caring, no judgment), the Permission to say (dare to say, dare to express yourself, dare to go beyond your usual mindset), the Power to do (get involved, participate in the exercises, engage in your coaching).

=> An equal relationship: I am in a horizontal relationship with you, I do not impose my vision of the world, I do not give answers, I do not give advice. We are equals.

=>I practice the maieutic method (Socratic tradition): I give you the means to develop the resources you have in yourself, help you find your own solutions, I co-construct with you the path of change.


I am very attached to the deontology of the coaching profession, and I respect the code of ethics of the Société Française du Coaching:

1 – Devoirs du coach

Art. 1-1 – Exercice du Coaching
Le coach s’autorise en conscience à exercer cette fonction à partir de sa formation, de son expérience et de sa supervision.

Art. 1-2 – Confidentialité
Le coach s’astreint au secret professionnel.

Art. 1-3 – Supervision établie
L’exercice professionnel du coaching nécessite une supervision. Les Membres accrédités de la Société Française de Coaching sont tenus de disposer d’un lieu de supervision.

Art. 1-4 – Respect des personnes
Conscient de sa position, le coach s’interdit d’exercer tout abus d’influence.

Art. 1-5 – Obligation de moyens
Le coach prend tous les moyens propres à permettre, dans le cadre de la demande du client, le développement professionnel et personnel du coaché, y compris en ayant recours, si besoin est, à un confrère.

Art. 1-6 – Refus de prise en charge
Le coach peut refuser une prise en charge de coaching pour des raisons propres à l’organisation, au demandeur ou à lui-même. Il indique dans ce cas un de ses confrères.

2 – Devoirs du coach vis à vis du coaché

Art. 2-1 – Lieu du Coaching
Le coach se doit d’être attentif à la signification et aux effets du lieu de la séance de coaching.

Art. 2-2 – Responsabilité des décisions
Le coaching est une technique de développement professionnel et personnel. Le coach laisse de ce fait toute la responsabilité de ses décisions au coaché.

Art. 2-3 – Demande formulée
Toute demande de coaching, lorsqu’il y a prise en charge par une organisation, répond à deux niveaux de demande : l’une formulée par l’entreprise et l’autre par l’intéressé lui-même. Le coach valide la demande du coaché.

Art. 2-4 – Protection de la personne
Le coach adapte son intervention dans le respect des étapes de développement du coaché.

3 – Devoirs du coach vis à vis de l’organisation

Art. 3-1 – Protection des organisations
Le coach est attentif au métier, aux usages, à la culture, au contexte et aux contraintes de l’organisation pour laquelle il travaille.

Art. 3-2 – Restitution au donneur d’ordre
Le coach ne peut rendre compte de son action au donneur d’ordre que dans les limites établies avec le coaché.

Art. 3-3 – Equilibre de l’ensemble du système
Le coaching s’exerce dans la synthèse des intérêts du coaché et de son organisation.

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