Anna Clark
Coach -Consultante - Intervenante
"Replacer l'humain au coeur de toute action"
What is the Ideas Lab?
Do you need to brainstorm on a subject ?
Do you need an outside opinion on an idea?
Are you short on ideas, stuck or with ideas that are not clear ?
=>The Ideas Lab is for you! My added value: My Ph.D in social sciences.
The goal of the Ideas Lab is to help generate, develop and highlight ideas
Ideas, the new capital
* The creation of the Ideas Lab is based on the observation that some people have ideas but they are not yet developed, structured, highlighted.
* In a world where competition is increasingly based on ideas, it is important to invest in the intellectual and creative fields.
* The Ideas Lab is based on three key actions : learning, connecting ideas, changing perspective
How does the Ideas Lab work?
* The sessions are individual ou in group (co-development).
* They can be occasional or regular (over a longer time of period)
* The duration of a session : 1h to 2 hours
A key concept : co-constructing
* Once the ideas have emerged, they are structured, developed and highlighted,
* I help you find their application and implementation
* It is about building together a way to implement them in everyday life.
=>I really value the importance of co-construction

You do not have precise ideas
on a subject yet?
I help you:
-Do research & reading
-Discuss them
You have ideas, but they need to be expressed and developed?
I help you:
-Exchange and build connections
-Get your ideas straight
You have ideas, but they are not
yet well defined :
I help you
-Articulate them, phrase them
-Structure them
-Highlight them